Specto GO Conversion Kit

Dear Distributor,

I am writing to inform you of a new option available for Specto GO customers. Since the introduction of Specto GO, we have had a few requests from customers to convert the system from portable to permanent. Typically, this request has come from customers that are no longer traveling to coach and due to the setup time for a portable system, the permanently hard mounted system becomes a better option.

It is not our intent to market this kit as a selling tool, but more a tool to assist with customers that may have encountered a situation such as the one described above. At this time, we also have no plans to add this kit to our website or catalog, but wanted to let our distributors know there is a part number to accomplish the conversion instead of ordering parts piece by piece.

157-8611K – Specto GO Conversion Kit
R - $999.00

As always, should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to any member of our team or myself directly.

Best Regards,
Doug Dukes


Wi-Fi Device (Flex & Ikon)


Center Mounting Pit Board Bumpers