UV in Lane Oil

Dear Distributor,

As you may know, USBC has released information about a rule change regarding the use of UV in lane oil (Read Full Release Here). Their release stated that UV will no longer be required as a mandatory additive for lane oil. We wanted to share a few important pieces of information about how this change is being addressed at Kegel.

  1. We will continue normal production of lane oil (with UV) through the league season.

  2. Starting June 1, 2023, we will be removing UV from some Kegel lane conditioners. Only Fire, Ice, Current, Terrain, and Curve will be produced WITH UV after that time.

  3. Will this affect how the conditioners play?

    • No, all Kegel products have been tested with and without UV without any noticeable effect on playability.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Doug Dukes


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